APS for Coal Fired Power Plants
The APS is the solution for having Real-time, automatic, continuous, rapid and accurate laboratory quality measurements with no delay resulting in an increased profitability and reduced CO2 Emission.​
One of the biggest challenges faced by a Coal Fired Power Plant operator is waiting for a lab report of the materials to be burned. Traditionally, the time span between sampling and processing of the material is a maximum of 2 weeks.
In this 2-week time span, the properties of the material to which all operational settings are tuned can change and become obsolete.
These changing properties result in not achieving the maximum potential efficiency and/or an excessive frequency of expensive shutdowns, which puts pressure on the profit margin and has a negative effect on emissions.
On-Belt Analysis of the Coal.

Profitability in Availability: Continuous Operation
APS help in preventing slagging​
By controlling the furnace exit temp below the ash fusion temperature, ash is kept in solid state and thus prevents blockages​
APS avoid tubes leaks​
Slagging control limits tube erosion from high velocity flue gas flow​
Prevents heat flux caused by difference in tube surface temp​
Avoid unnecessary shutdown and unplanned costly events​
Maximize availability of plant​
Shutdowns can be schedule rather than unplanned due to fouling or breakdown
Profitability in Data: ​ Real-Time Analysis
Real-time automatic, continuous, rapid and accurate laboratory quality measurements with no delay​
Coal quality​
Slagging index ​
Fouling index​
Gross calorific value (GCV) during bunkering​
Ash composition ​
​​Fully automated and continuous to maintain high productivity​
​Inputs streamed directly to the plant control systems​
Coal feed/bunkering management​
Combustion adjustment

Profitability in Control: Fly Ash
With the control of your combustion, you can control your fly ash quality​
APS can be used to directly analyze the Fly Ash quality ​
Opportunity for Hight quality Fly Ash trade to cement industry